Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

I Love Indonesia

Indonesian country which the consist all kind of nation leg. It nation lived and constant to islands in Indonesia to make a big nation leg in the world.
                Bhineka Tunggal Ika is my country slogan. It means is “ Berbeda-beda Tetapi Tetap Satu Jua”. That intention the slogan is although a different the nation leg but they are the one nation that is Indonesian people.
                Persatuan dan kesatuan  continuously we have to care so that a living in harmony and peace can to realize. At last we are to feeling sad with so many conflict introduce leg, so introduce district to happened, and so many corruption to all factor. That’s to make Indonesian the big corruption country in the world.
                The real is we are young generations, we must be to defend a living in harmony introduce of nation leg with use method, these are we always to positive thinking, a patient, an exertion, a studious, you can to finished problem with a cooling to be own, the loves more cultural myself from a cultural strange.
                An except all kinds to legs and cultures, Indonesian have to all kinds of flora and fauna. There are some sample of flora and fauna to protects, because to fare almost destroyed. It’s so many to hunting, is died, or a smuggle in the dark market.
                The Indonesian area is very wide, up to now Indonesian to name is archipelago countries. The circle to stayed population all kind of there are living in seaside, in mountain, in low area and anything els.
                Indonesian also have to ceremony in every areas. It is direction for regulated to life peoples, like the death ceremony, the wedding ceremony, the birth ceremony and the method system to associated with some people.
                An except Indonesian that to rich in art area too. Likes music, the song, area, traditional dancing, painting art, carving art, chisel art, and traditional industry. The art industry product Indonesian people that so many souvenir and a lot of popular tourism foreign.
                The other art of product it’s so many polular is Batik. More over now Batik to make as a part from in heritance world by UNESCO.
                My native is rich and very wide. It’s so many effort to develop like farm, perkebunan, peternakan, perikanan, pertambangan dan pariwisata. The suck the young generation we have a duty for whole to defend Indonesia area. Is not  to easy of course, but however we can’t to be silent without can do anything for this nation. For example, the all people to set up security safety themselves like siskamling with the built patrol post in every area. That’s including to participate a people inside to make safety and whole to defend in our country.
                Let’s we try to imagine if our country is scattered, so is nothing els we are pride this nation. This nation to experience destruction that consequence from hypocritical character, individuality and anything els. That sure we don’t want to happen. There for let’s we are connected with change hand together child and grandchild in future after wards.
                Whole to defend a nation is to make a regulation for all the people so that to obedient by all Indonesian people. The purpose it is regulate to living a people the nation for to live more better. Everyone do something to collide with certainly can punishment. Indonesian have to so many deference and same more this situation to caise Indonesian have a unique to equal the ither country. Like to write in manuscript Sumpah Pemuda the mention same more it must be constant to defend to build and to standing it by all Indonesia people.

                We can do it now, with the start from ourselves. We must to try, what can we do for this nation, an except we can do, who is again do it? 

by fitria amelinda